Monday, September 19, 2011

New Settlers in the West

1. Read pages 10 - 18 List three reasons why people in the United States moved west.

a. One reason why people in the United States moved West is because it was good for farming, and other types of earthy occupations. As the reading says, "There was rich, fertile land for farming, great forests full of timber, and a wealth of mineral resources to be discovered" Thus, the West was a good place to settle seeing as it was not only good for farming, but logging and mining.

b. Another reason why people in the United States moved West is because of the growing population during the time. " The United States grew from a country of 7.25 million in 1812 to more than 23 million people in 1852" as the reading says. There needed to be more room for all of the population and the West was good place for them to move.

c. A third reason why people in the United States moved to the West is because of religious freedom. People like the Mormons settled in Utah because they "wanted freedom from persectuion for their religious beliefs" For some, the West was simply a place to escape ridicule from others.

2. How did westward expansion contribute to sectional tensions in the United States?
   Westward expansion contributed to sectional tensons in the United States because of slavery, basically. The Southern part of the nation was for slavery, where as the Northern part of the nation was for freedom. As the United States expanded farther and farther west, both the North and the South wanted as many new states as they could that way they could have control in congress and "further their economic interests"

3. What was the Peace Policy?
   The Peace Policy was a policy put into play by Ulysses S. Grant. The goal of the policy was basically to keep the Indians safe and stop moving them about. In order to this Indian reservations would be put aside by the governmant in order for the Indians to have their own lands, that was protected by the government.

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