Sunday, September 4, 2011

Orgins and Evolution of Terrorism

1. Why was the hostage crisis at the Munich Olympics a turning point in terrorism? 
This hostage crisis was a turning point because terrorists realised what was important when they were fulfillinf their acts of terror. First of all, they realised the more people that saw what happened, the more terror there would be. They found out that a big crowd led to more terror. Just like the Munich Olympics, their as a large crowd not only at the event but many people were able to witness the event via tv. Also, they realised that striking certain targets due to what they represented would make the terror worse as well. For example, at the Munich Olympics, it symbolised "the unity of humankind to show that sport could not transcend politics" which, inevitably, made the terror worse when the olympics were a target; seeing as the hostage goes against the symbol of the olympics.

2. The reading says that state-sponsored terrorism increased after the U.S. hostage crisis in Iran. What did many governments learn from that event?
Many governments realised that supporting terrorists made it easier for smaller states to "strike at more powerful states" Many governments also realised that with more funding they could easily recruit more people because the terrorist would be paid kindly for their acts.

3. The past fifteen years have seen a sharp rise in religious terrorism. What motivates these terrorists? 
Motivation for these terrorists is usually based on religion. As said in the article, four of these cases were "The first world trade center bombing", "Baruch Goldstein", "Aum Shinrikyo" and "Christian Identity". However, in the first case, is seems to be implied that it wasn't only religion, it was because of U.S power, technology and genrally New York itslef because that was what the World Trade center symbolized. In addition, the last case was also not only because of religion, but because they were against the U.S. federal goovernment. Richard Wayne Snell said his attacks were just. Another motivation was the "The World Gone Wrong" belief where people believe something has gone terribly wrong with the world and people are afraid to lose their identity due to "foreighn value systems". A second belief is the "No Other Options" belief where people feel powerless and defeated so they think terrorism and violence is the way to make things right.

4. How have these new terrorists changed the way terrorism is carried out? 
The new terrorists have changed the way terrorism is carried out because they don't just carry out their acts now, they plan them. They plan what they are going to destroy based on the symbolic value and what, whatever it is they are destroying reepresents. Also, terrorists think "the more the merrier". They want the event to be known and the purpose is to strike fear and terror into everyone. Not only would the event cause terror because of what they are destroying, but also because of all the people they are killing. Lastly, the new advances in technology of weapons has changed the way terrorism is carried out; between chemical, nuclear, and biological weapons, there are many different ways terror can be striken into people.

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