Thursday, September 15, 2011

Indian Removal Act

1. Read pages 10 - 12 (Stop at "Settlers Move West"). Why did the United States fight or negotiate with dozens of Indian groups for the lands in the Louisiana Territory?
     The Louisiana Territory was a very improtant region the United States needed in order for the country to progress. First of all, we didn't have New Orleans which was "an essential port for U.S. farmers along the Mississippi River" and would be necessary as a trading port for us. Also, the amount of land in the Louisiana Territory was quite large which meant there would be lots of room for settlers to...settle. Lastly, there was a lot of pressure on U.S. leaders, from "land speculators, miners in search of precious minerals, and white settlers" whom wanted the land. Thus, the Indian Removal Act was signed by Andrew Jackson, and eventually all of the Indians were forced to move from their land farther west.

2. In what ways did the Cherokees assimilate U.S. values and customs?
   Surprisingly, some Indian groups benefitted from assimilation policies, such as the Cherokees. The Cherokees created a new form of government (a republic ) which was "modeled on the government of the United States" Also, some Cherokee farmers participated in the cotton industry, which was doing extremly well at the time. Some even had African Americans work as slaves on their plantations. Lastly, the Cherokee wrote a constitution for itself in 1827, which declared the Cherokee nation as an independent one.

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