Monday, March 5, 2012

FDR and the New Deal

1. What plans did Roosevelt make in the four months while he waited to take office?        
In the four months while Roosevelt waited to take office he did a few things. One of which was creating work programs, and as the reading says "through one of these programs, the civil works administration (CWA), Oettinger went back to work in 1933" as well as "programs like the CWA raised the hopes of the American people and sparked great enthusiasm for the new president" Also during the waiting period her "worked with his ream of carefully picked advisors-- a select group of professors, lawyers, and journalists that came to be known as the "Brain Trust." Roosevelt began to formulate a set of policies for his new administration. This program designed to alleviate the problems of the great depression became known as the new deal"
2. How successful were FDR's fireside chats?       
FDR's fireside chats were "radio talks about issues of public concern, explaining in clear, simple language his New Deal measures. These informal talks made Americans feel as if the president were talking directly to them." From one of these fireside chats, FDR spoke about the issue of everyone taking out their savings from banks at the same time and how it would cause banks to fall. From this people were returning their savings in the weeks that followed. Obviously this proved that that at least one of his fireside talks was successful. 
3. How did New Deal programs affect various regions of the United States?       
The new deal programs affected various regions of the united states starting with the rural regions. 
The AAA was put into place to raise crop prices by lowering production and the government from there would pay farmers to have a certain amount of land unseeded. There was also the TVA which was focused on the Tennessee River Valley. In addition there was the CCC which put young men to work by building roads parks, etc. The NIRA provided jobs to states to create jobs in construction of schools and other community buildings. 
4. How did liberal and conservative critics differ in their opposition to the New Deal?            
  Liberal critics "argued that the new deal did not go far enough to help the poor and the reform the nation's economic system" Conservative critics "argued that Roosevelt spent too much on direct relief and used new deal policies to control business and socialize the economy" Conservative critics were especially angry with the AAA and NIRA because it gave the government too much control over agriculture and economy. 

5. Do you think Roosevelt was wrong to try to "pack" the Supreme Court with those in favor of the New Deal? Explain your answer.      
Roosevelt had a good reason for trying to pack the court with those in favor of the new deal, but that does not in anyway make it just. Roosevelt didn't want any other court decisions to "dismantle the new deal" But either way, he couldn't fill the court with those in favor of the new deal because they would obviously be biased in their decisions. That would be like having a murderer on trial and the jury being only his family members who didn't want him to have to be found guilty. It's just not a fair way of doing things. 
6. Of the New Deal programs discussed in this section, which do you consider the most important?

Explain your choice. Think About:
• the type of assistance offered by each program
• the scope of each program
• the impact of each program

I personally think that the assistance offered by each program is most important because the impact of each program wasn't huge and the scope of each program wasn't huge either because each program was set out to help the nation basically as a whole, although each one affected different regions. I do think it is important that certain regions were helped more than others because some regions were in an even greater depression compared to others. I think the very most important was the assistance offered by each program because different people needed different things. For instance, if a farmer was having financial trouble, he wouldn't want to be put to work in construction because he is a farmer, so the AAA was helpful to a farmer, but not some others. Having each program offer something different gave a wide variety to the help people could receive. 

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