Tuesday, November 1, 2011


1. What major areas or countries of the world were immigrants coming from?
The major areas/ countries of the world that immigrants were coming from were mainly Europe, China and the West Indies and Japan. Some other countries were Russia, and Mexico. There was a large range from where immigrants came from.  
2. What were the two major immigration processing stations in the United States?
Two major immigration processing stations in the United States were Ellis Island, in the New York harbor and Angel island, which is in the San Fransisco Bay.
3. Define Melting Pot.
The term Melting Pot is defined as "a mixture of people of different cultures and races who blended together by abandoning their native languages and customs." 
4. Define Nativism.
The term Nativism is defined as "overt favoritism toward native born Americans." ( A nativist believed Anglo-Saxons were superior to all other ethnic groups)
5. According to the Immigration Restriction League, list the desirable immigrants.
The more desirable immigrants, according to the IRL were "British, German, and Scandinavian stock, historically free, energetic, progressive"
6. According to the Immigration Restriction League, list the “wrong” immigrants.
The least desirable immigrants, according to the IRL were, "Slave, Latin and Asiatic races, historically down- trodden... and stagnant"
7. Why did nativists’ sometimes object to an immigrant’s religious background?
Nativists sometimes objected to an immigrant's religious background rather then ethnicity because they felt as though Roman-Catholic and Jewish people "would undermine the democratic institutions established by the country's Protestant founders"
8. Why was the Chinese Exclusion Act passed?
The Chinese Exclusion Act was passed because  many were in fear of the Chinese taking jobs away from citizens because they were willing to work for lower wages. At the time, labor groups were putting pressure on the government so that they would pass the act for this very reason.

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