Thursday, April 26, 2012

Origins of the Cold War: Yalta Conference

1. Choose two points of agreement from the list and explain why they were significant for the future peace of Europe.      

First Point:     "The Big Three all agreed to join the new United Nations Organisation, which would aim to
keep peace after the war." This is a very important point because the U.N. is basically know for keeping peace between countries. The fact that the Big Three joined is significant to the future peace in Europe because these countries would then more likely stay out of conflict with Europe in the future.
Second Point: "As Allied soldiers advanced through Germany, they were revealing the horrors of the Nazi
concentration camps. The Big Three agreed to hunt down and punish war criminals who were
responsible for the genocide." This was an important point to the future peace of Europe because this could imply that such horrors having been done, may not be done again, and Europe is almost being protected from it happening once again. 
2. Read Sources 2 - 11 on pages 320 and 321. What is your overall impression of the Yalta Conference based on these sources?        Based on these resources my overall impression of the Yalta Conference is that everyone seemed to get along when they were at the actual conference but, most of the sources were writings after the conference. From these sources i feel as though everyone was sort of plotting against each other or Russia in general. For example, in Source 10, "Churchill ordered Montgomely to keep the German arms intact, in case they had to be used against the Russians." This is showing almost a secret plot against Russia.Then in source 4,"Stalin waved his hand over the Soviet Union and exclaimed, 'They [Roosevelt and Churchill] will never accept the idea that so great a space should be red, never, never!" This seems as though Stalin was trying to glorify his nation. 

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